How do I get help with using a database?
What is a database?
Who can help me select a database?
Who can help me search databases?
What databases are available for my topic?
How do I search in a database?
How can I get better results in a database search?
Can I access databases off-campus?
You can click on the calendar image below to schedule an appointment with a reference librarian for help using databases. You can also use the "Ask Us a Question" section to submit a question, email, or chat. All reference librarians can provide database help, but it's recommended that you seek assistance from the librarian who works most closely with your subject area.
John Curtis works with: ART, ASW, BIO, CSC, CSD, NUR, PAS, PHT, REL
Laura D'Aveta works with: AMG, AST, BUS, CRJ, EDU, EGR, ENG, ENT, ENV, HIS, MGT, MKT, NRO, PSY, SOC, SUS
Laurie Willis works with: CAS, CHM, ECN, FRN, GER, INT, MTH, PHL, PHY, POL, SPN
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